Change the way the world works

Thinker and writer, though not always in that order…

gpGeorge Pitcher is a writer, an academic specialising in the purposes of journalism (as a Visiting Fellow at the LSE)  and an Anglican priest. He’s a journalist by background, having been an award-winning Industrial Editor of The Observer during the years of the Thatcher government’s privatisation programme and a columnist and leader writer on The Daily Telegraph as well as on a wide range of newspapers and broadcast media as diverse as The Daily Mail, The Guardian, the BBC and LBC.

In the early Nineties, he co-founded an innovative communications consultancy, Luther Pendragon, which established itself in London as a pioneer of sharp-end issues management, with an additional office in Brussels, serving major national and international clients, often at the heart of some of the most controversial and contentious developments in public affairs. When he sold his interest in the firm, after 14 years at the end of 2005, Luther Pendragon was one of the largest independent communications outfits in Europe. He has advised clients across the United States, in Asia and in the Middle-east.

He also served for a year as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Secretary for Public Affairs, while continuing as a freelance columnist and commentator.

He was ordained in 2005 and served his curacy at St Bride’s in Fleet Street, London, the “Journalists’ Church” (where he remains a Chaplain of the Guild), and is now Rector of a parish in East Sussex.

George Pitcher is also an author and novelist. In non-fiction, The Death of Spin (2003, Wiley), an examination of the superficiality of the communications process in business and politics, was followed by A Time to Live: The Case Against Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide (2010, Lion Hudson). He also co-wrote The Public Faced (Hill Murray, 1989), a sprightly guide to media relations. His first novel, A Dark Nativity, was published by Unbound in 2017.

His family lives in Sussex and Italy.
